X3MD01 智能多功能红外侦测

1. Introduction
Smart multi-sensor is a smart device with a built-in ZigBee module
Three built-in sensors are a light sensor, motion sensor and a temperature and moisture sensor, which enable the device to detect night and daylight, movement within a certain distance and environment
Multi-sensor works as a ZigBee terminal added in the ZigBee network
End users can install a Sparx smart app on their iOS or Android platforms and monitor their spaces via 2G/3G/4G/Wi-Fi

2. Features  

  • Supports standard protocol IEEE802.15.4
  • Infrared motion detection range 6-8 meters
  • Alerts on mobile phones or tablets
  • Connected chain actions to control the temperature and lights in your spaces


湖北工厂地址 : 湖北省咸宁市通山县经济开发区工业路8号      越南工厂地址:越南平阳省土龙木市富新镇神浪三工业区N4路CN7号3号厂房

电 话 : +86 755 8656 0088       +84 823 095 579

邮箱 : sales@xinghuoyuan.com